Vageesh Channel for Language and Literature Live Classes

Vageesh TV Channel - Watch and Get live Coaching Classes from Swayam Prabha Channel Number 1 for Language and Literature. The Languages include English, Hindi, Urdu, French, German, Russian, Spanish.


Vageesh Channel No.1 – For graduate/ postgraduate (Language and Literature)

The Vageesh Educational Live TV for Language and Literature is broadcasting high-quality, visually, and graphically enriched content of Languages and Literature to the undergraduate and postgraduate students of India.

The Languages include English, Hindi, Urdu, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and other major foreign languages. The contents delivered through this channel shall enhance the learning experience of the Indian students at the UG and PG levels. There are plans to expand the student spectrum by including the senior secondary level.

You can watch this channel live above. The channel is also available free on the Freedth platform. You can find more free-to-air educational TV channels in India here.

Courtesy/ Source: YouTube/SwaymaPrabha

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