Q Toonz TV channel is the latest animation FAST TV channel in India. The channel is launched by QYOU Media. QYOU Media India has collaborated with Toonz Media, so now you can watch special and exclusive animation shows on the Q Toonz TV channel. The Q Toonz TV channel is available only on digital devices like Android TV, Smartphones, and Smart TVs.
As you know the next future is coming soon for connected TV (CTV), so nowadays FAST (Free Ad Supported Television) TV channels are launching. Although
QYOU Media TV channels list –
- The Q
- The Q Kahaniyan
- Q GameX
- Sadhguru TV
- Bollywood Hungama
- QToonz
- RDC Movies
How to watch?
You can watch the Q Toonz TV channel on the RunnTV platform, which can be downloaded on any CTV device like Android TV, Smartphone, Smart TV, and other Connected TV applications.
For more information on free-to-air, FAST TV channels and Freeview TV channels visit www.FreeLliveTV.org website.