T-SAT Nipuna Telugu Education FTA from GSAT-8

T-Sat Nipuna is a Telugu Education TV channel by Telangana Gov, India. Here T means Telangana, SAT means state, and Nipuna means Genius.

T-Sat Nipuna is a Telegu language Education TV channel by Telangana Government, India. Here T means Telangana, SAT means the state, and Nipuna means निपुण or Genius.
T-Sat Nipuna is a Telegu language Education TV channel by Telangana Government, India. Here T means Telangana, SAT means the state, and Nipuna means निपुण or Genius.

T-Sat Nipuna is a Telugu language Education TV channel by Telangana Government, India. Here T means Telangana, SAT means the state, and Nipuna means निपुण or Genius.

Telangana State is broadcasting two education TV channels from the GSAT-8 satellite.

  • T-Sat Nipuna
  • T-Sat Vidya

T-Sat Nipuna provides distance learning, Agriculture Extension, Rural Development, Tele-Medicine, and e-government requirements for the people of Telangana.

How to Get? –

You can get the T-SAT Nipuna channel without any subscription, Just use your free-to-air Set-Top box and small DTH antenna to point to the GSAT-8 satellite.

T-Sat Nipuna Satellite Frequency –

Channel Name TSAT Nipuna
Satellite GSAT-8
Dish Antenna Ku-Band
Position 55.0° East
LNB Frequency 09750-10600
TP Frequency 10970
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 11630
Quality MPEG-2 / SD
System DVB-S
Modulation QPSK
Mode FTA
Language Telugu

T-Sat Nipuna Channel Number –

Channel No LCN
TSAT Nipuna Channel Number on Dish TV
TSAT Nipuna Channel Number on Zing Digital
TSAT Nipuna Channel Number on Videocon D2H
TSAT Nipuna Channel Number on Tata Sky / Tata Play 1479
T-SAT Nipuna Channel Number on Airtel DTH 948
T-SAT Nipuna Channel Number on Sun Direct


You can find other free-to-air Telugu TV channels here.

FAQs –

What is TSAT Nipuna?

T-Sat Nipuna is an Educational TV channel for Telangana state. This channel is also available on Tata Sky and Airtel Digital TV.

What is the use of T SAT?

T-SAT is providing quality education by distance learning using Digital TV channels.

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