Rovio Toonix HD FTA from Yahasat at 52.5° East

Toonix HD can be received in Afghanistan, Pakistan and some parts of Western India using Ku-Band Dish Antenna.


The Toonix HD is owned by Rovio Animation, Ltd. Now the Rovio Toonix HD channel is free-to-air from the Yahasat satellite, at the position of 52.5° East.

Currently, Toonix HD shows some popular cartoon series like Angry Birds Toons, Piggy Tale, and others series. Toonix HD can be received in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and some parts of Western India using Ku-Band Dish Antenna.

Satellite frequency of the Toonix TV Channel –

Channel Name Toonix HD
Satellite Al Yahasat
Position 52.5° East
LNB Frequency 09750-10600
TP Frequency 11220
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 27500
Quality MPEG-2 / HD
System DVB-S2
Modulation QPSK
Mode FTA
Antenna Ku-Band (DTH)
Set-Top Box Free-to-air


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Related Questions –

Is Rovio owned by Sony?

No, It is the Rovio series The Angry Birds movie distributed by Sony Pictures.

Did Rovio make the Angry Birds movie?

Yes, It is the production of Rovio Animation, Ltd.

What is Angry Bird’s real name?

You must watch the movie and The Angry Birds Series.

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