NH Plus is a digital Hindi movie channel (FAST Channel) added on the RunnTV OTT platform. The channel is available free for all digital device holders. You can Watch NH Plus online using a Smartphone, Tablet, Smart TV, or Laptop.
NH Plus is a FAST TV channel owned by NH Studioz.NH Studioz also won the tender to showcase their exclusive movies on Doordarshan National HD and SD channels. Both channels are available free using various ways including DD Free dish.
So if you want to watch free movies anytime and anywhere then you can download the runnTV OTT application from your Play Store.
Official website: www.nhstudioz.tv
You can find the list of RunnTV OTT platform’s live TV channels list here.
For more information on FREE TV channels using Satellite (Free-to-air), Internet (FAST), and Terrestrial (Freeview), remember the www.freelivetv.org website.