News18 Assam channel Free-to-air on Intelsat-20


News18 Assam is an Indian Assamese language free-to-air news channel. This channel brings you the latest and live Assamese news from Assam and other north-eastern states. You can watch this channel on your TV without any monthly fee as it is a free-to-air channel.

If this channel is not available on your television platform, you can ask for it from your television service provider.

Downlinking details –

Channel Name News 18 Assam
Satellite Intelsat-20
Position 68.5° East
Band (Beam) C-Band
LNB Frequency 05150
TP Frequency 4034MHz
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 21600KsPs
Quality MPEG-4SD
System DVB-S2
FEC 5/6
Modulation 8PSK
Language Assamese


Official Website

You can visit the official News18 Assam TV channel.

You can watch other Assamese TV channels of Assamese here.

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