M Nadu News TV is a Tamil news channel based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The channel provides 24-hour news coverage, including local, national, and international news, as well as current affairs, sports, entertainment, and business news.
M Nadu News TV is owned and operated by Malar Publications Pvt. Ltd., which also owns the popular Tamil daily newspaper “Malar”. The channel aims to provide unbiased and accurate news coverage to its viewers and has a team of experienced journalists and reporters who gather news from different parts of Tamil Nadu and other regions.
M Nadu News TV can be watched via cable and satellite networks in Tamil Nadu and other parts of India. The channel also has a website and mobile app where viewers can access news articles, and live news updates.
M Nadu TV Channel Frequency –
Channel Name | M Nadu News |
Satellite | Intelsat 20 |
Position | 68.5° East |
LNB Frequency | 05150 |
TP Frequency | 4185 |
Polarity | V |
Symbol Rate | 21600 |
Quality | MPEG-4 / SD |
System | DVB-S2 |
Modulation | 8PSK |
Language | Tamil |
Mode | FTA |
M Nadu TV Channel Number –
You can provide the channel number of this channel available in your DTH and cable TV platform So that we can update it here.
MNadu Channel Live –
You can watch this channel live from here. You can check the list of Free Internet TV channels here.
MNadu TV Contact Information –
You can visit the official website to get the latest and updated contact information.
You can check other Tamil language free-to-air TV channels here