Janasri News Channel added on Insat 4A Satellite, The channel is regional channel of India in Kannada language. Janasri News is a part of Yash Broadcasting Industries Pvt. Ltd.
The channel started transmission Insat 4A satellite at 83 Degree East.
Satellite: Insat4A @ 83.0° East
LNB Frequency: C-Band LNB (5150)
Frequency: 3805 MHz
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 28500 KsPs
FEC: 7/8
Modulation: QPSK
22K: ON or Auto
Compression: DVB-S/MPEG-4
Encryption: No/FTA
Although this channel also available on Intelsat 17 satellite at 66 degree east position. Here is technical details for this satellite.
Satellite: Intelsat 17 @ 66.0° East
LNB Frequency: C-Band LNB (5150)
Frequency: 4024 MHz
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 14400 KsPs
FEC: 2/3
Modulation: 8PSK
22K: ON or Auto
Compression: DVB-S2/MPEG-4
Encryption: No/FTA
Here is official website of this channel : www.janasritv.com. You can also watch live on PC and mobile. for more information of fta channels, keep visit us.
Who is the owner of Janshri News Channel?
Its owner is Yash Broadcasting Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Watch Janasri News live on yupptv.in 24 Hours live with HD quality. Janasri News is able to provide both news and entertainment through a variety of shows, including Maya Bazaar and Hosa Hadu, which you can now stream online on YuppTV