DD News 24×7 Channel FTA from GSAT-17


DD News is a free-to-air news television channel established by the Government of India, which was launched on 03 October 2003. Which is owned by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. It is one of the major channels of Doordarshan. India’s only 24-hour terrestrial TV news channel broadcasting in Hindi and English. You can also watch DD News channel live on YouTube.

Sister channel –

DD National, DD India, DD Bharati, DD Sports, DD Retro, DD Kisan

Satellite Frequency –

Channel Name DD News 24×7
Satellite G-Sat 17
Position 93.5° East
Band (Beam) C-Band
LNB Frequency 05150-10600
TP Frequency 3925MHz
Polarity H
Symbol Rate 27500KsPs
Quality MPEG-2 SD
System DVB-S
FEC 3/4
Modulation QPSK
Language Hindi


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