DD Bihar is a government-owned free-to-air TV channel broadcast from Doordarshan Kendra Bihar. The channel was launched on 13 October 1990 with an interim setup by converting a government quarter located at Chhajjubaag, Patna.
If you are not getting this channel on your platform then you can demand this FTA channel from your multi-system operator (MSO). There will not be any additional subscription charges because it is an FTA channel.
Satellite Frequency –
Channel Name | DD Bihar |
Satellite | G-Sat 17 |
Position | 93.5° East |
Band (Beam) | C-Band |
LNB Frequency | 05150-10600 |
TP Frequency | 3830MHz |
Polarity | H |
Symbol Rate | 3330KsPs |
Quality | MPEG-2 SD |
System | DVB-S |
FEC | 3/4 |
Modulation | QPSK |
Language | Hindi |
The channel is also available on the DD Free dish platform, without any subscription. You can find other free-to-air Hindi TV channel updates here.