Aapli Maay Marathi News left from GSAT-30

Aapli Maay Marathi was the free-to-air Marathi language satellite regional news TV channel

Aapli Maay Marathi was the free-to-air Marathi language satellite regional news TV channel, that was available on Insat 4A satellite. But now this channel is not available on the GSAT-30 satellite.

Aapli May Marathi is a regional news channel for Maharashtra and Goa which has started its test feed on Insat 4A satellite. Aapli May Marathi channel broadcasting test feed in the Marathi language. Aapli May Marathi channel is a free-to-air channel.

This channel may be shut down its operation due to low viewers. There is no official statement found.

Logo –

Aapli Maay Marathi was the free-to-air Marathi language satellite regional news TV channel, Know Satellite Frequency and channel Number (LCN)

Satellite Frequency (old) –

Here is the old satellite frequency for this channel, we will update its new frequency as soon as possible if available.

Channel Name Aapli Maay Marathi

(left / Removed)

Satellite Insat 4A
Dish Antenna C-Band
Position 83° East
LNB Frequency 05150
TP Frequency 3950
Polarity H
Symbol Rate 3670
Quality MPEG-4 / SD
System DVB-S2
Modulation 8PSK
Mode FTA
Language Marathi News

Channel Number-

This channel is not available on any DTH/ IPTV and Cable TV platform. If you have any updates then you can post them via the comment section. we will update this post as soon as possible.

You can find updates for other free-to-air Marathi TV channels.

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