Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal FTA from GSAT15 / Asiasat7

Zee Punjab / Haryana / Himachal is regional news and current affairs TV channel from Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEEL) for Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal states.

Zee Punjab / Haryana / Himachal is an Indian free-to-air TV channel launched by Zee Network, airing Hindi/Punjabi language news and other current affairs programs.

Zee Punjab / Haryana / Himachal temp. free-to-air which can be accessed by DD Free dish viewers. You need to scan your DD Freedish FTA set-top box by using the given below Zee Punjab / Haryana / Himachal frequencies.

Zee Network’s other FTA Channels –

Channel Frequency –

Channel Name Zee Punjab / Himachal / Haryana


Zee PB / HP / HR
Satellite GSAT-15 Asiasat
Dish Antenna Ku-Band C-Band
Position 93.5° East 105.5° East
LNB Frequency 09750-10600 05150
TP Frequency 11460 4140
Polarity H V
Symbol Rate 12500 27500
Quality MPEG-2 / SD MPEG-4 / SD
System DVB-S DVB-S2
Modulation QPSK 8PSK
Mode Temp FTA FTA
Language Punjabi/ Hindi Punjabi / Hindi
Country India India


The Temp FTA channel is also available on the Ku-Band beam which can be received by using a small Ku-Band DTH antenna from the size of 55cm to 120cm.

Channel Number –

Channel No LCN
Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal Channel Number on Dish TV 1190
Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal LCN Number on Zing Digital 1190
Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal LCN on Tata Play / Tata Sky
Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal Channel Number on Airtel DTH
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Channel Number on d2h 1189
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh LCN on Sun Direct
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Channel Number on JPR Network 479
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Channel Number on Den
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Channel Number on Fastway 118
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Channel Number on Hathway
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh India Channel Number on Den Digital
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Regional Channel Number on In Digital
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Hindi Channel Number on Siti Cable
You can watch Zee Punjab / Haryana / Himachal TV live channel here.
You can view this channel live without any subscription from the official website.
You can find all Live streaming links here.
Zee Punjab Haryana Himachal Live is available on YouTube.

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