Zee Bharat is an Indian Hindi-language news channel, launched on 21 May 2017. The channel is owned by Zee Media. It was first launched in 2006 as Zee News Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh and was rebranded as Zee Sangam in 2013. Subsequently, in 2016, the channel was again rebranded as India 24×7 and in 2017 as Zee Hindustan, led by Jagdish Chandra, the then CEO of Zee Media’s regional news division.
If you are not getting this channel on your platform then you can demand this FTA channel from your multi-system operator (MSO). There will not be any additional subscription charges because it is an FTA channel.
View List
Sister channel –
Zee News, Zee Business.
Satellite Frequency –
Channel Name | Zee Bharat |
Satellite | G-Sat 30 |
Position | 83.0° East |
Band (Beam) | C-Band |
LNB Frequency | 05150-10600 |
TP Frequency | 4090MHz |
Polarity | H |
Symbol Rate | 7500KsPs |
Quality | MPEG-4 SD |
System | DVB-S |
FEC | 5/6 |
Modulation | QPSK |
Language | Hindi |
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