Watan HD channel is Free-to-air on Express AM6

Watan Television is a commercial television in Afghanistan, founded in 2008 by Abdul Majeed Mokuri in Kabul. Watan TV HD is Afghanistan’s first HD channel now available free-to-air on Express AM6 53.0° East.

Avision Network Solutions brings most of the free-to-air TV channels from South Asia (Including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Maldives) on Al Express AM6 5.0° East using Ku-band transponders.

All these free-to-air TV channels can be accessed by using a free-to-air MPEG-2 set-top box and a Ku-band dish antenna.

Here is the Satellite frequency of Watan TV HD Afghanistan

Channel Name Watan HD
Satellite Express AM6
Position 53.0° East
Band (Beam) Ku-Band
LNB Frequency 09750-10600
TP Frequency 11560MHz
Polarity H
Symbol Rate 10500KsPs
Quality MPEG-2
System DVB-S
FEC 3/4
Modulation QPSK
Language Afghani


Channel number-

We don’t have information about its channel number if you know then you can provide us so that we can mention that here.

Contact Details –

You can contact the channel by visiting their official website from here Exile TV Network live streaming and TV shows..

You can add Watan TV HD channel in your DD Free dish box using Multi-Satellite Ku-Band LNB.

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