Earlier the Q India channel was launched for the OTT platform and for internet content But now the channel has already been launched as a satellite TV channel. The Q India TV channel is India’s latest general Hindi Entertainment Television by QYOU Media
The television channel also gives unique opportunities to brand partners for custom integrated and influencer marketing campaigns, so any startup and any small business can take this opportunity.
The channel is available on G-Sat 30 Satellite, at 83.0° position east. If you have a C-Band dish antenna then you can easily receive this channel, because it is available free-to-air.
TheQ India channel has also joined Doordarshan Free dish DTH.
View List
Satellite Frequency for The Q India channel –
Channel Name | The Q TV | The Q Channel |
Satellite | GSAT-15 | GSAT-30 |
Dish Antenna | Ku-Band | C-Band |
Position | 93.5° East | 83° East |
LNB Frequency | 09750-10600 | 05150 |
TP Frequency | 3920 | 11170 |
Polarity | H | V |
Symbol Rate | 28500 | 29500 |
Quality | MPEG-4 / SD | MPEG-2 / SD |
System | DVB-S2 | DVB-S |
Modulation | 8PSK | QPSK |
Mode | FTA | FTA |
Language | Hindi | Hindi |
Country | India | India |
The Q India Channel Number –
Channel No | LCN |
The Q Channel Number on Dish TV | 128 |
The Q Channel Number on Zing Digital | 128 |
The Q Ch No Number on Tata Play / Tata Sky | 175 |
The Q Channel Number on Airtel DTH | 137 |
The Q Channel Number on d2h | 128 |
The Q Channel Number on DEN | 118 |
The Q Channel Number on Freedish | 34 |
The Q Channel Number on Hathway | 20 |
About Channel –
According to SUNDAR AARON, GM of Channel – “The Q India TV is the only Hindi general entertainment brand made for young Indians. We capture the 13-30-year-old audience by harnessing the power of social media stars, popular content creators, and their communities.”
You can check more updates about free-to-air Hindi General Entertainment Television Channels from here.