Sri Dalada Maligawa TV Channel Free-to-air on SES 12

Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It was built within the royal palace complex, which houses the relic of the Tooth of the Buddha, a tusk revered by Buddhists. So Sri Dalada Maligawa TV channel is the official TV channel of this beautiful temple. You can view its religious programs. The Sri Dalada Maligawa TV channel is also availalbe on various platforms including OTT, DTH (Dialog DTH), and free-to-air satellite TV services (Freesat DTH).

Satellite Frequency –

If you have a small DTH antenna and the latest version HEVC/HD supported FTA Set-top box then you can tune this channel using below satellite frequency.

Channel Name Sri Dalada Maligawa
Satellite SES 12
Position 95.0° East
Band (Beam) Ku-Band
LNB Frequency 09750-10600
TP Frequency 12224MHz
Polarity H
Symbol Rate 40000KsPs
Picture Quality MPEG-4 / HEVC
Resolution SD
Satellite System DVB-S2
FEC 2/3
Modulation 8PSK
Language English, Sinhala

Channel Number –

Sri Dalada Maligawa Channel Number on TV Platforms –
Freesat 02
Dialog TV 01
Telecom PEO 20/150
Dialog DTH 16

Contact information –

You can visit the official website of this channel for contact.
The official website is


Why is Dalada Maligawa famous?

The Sri Dalada Maligawa or The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a temple that houses the tooth relic of the Buddha, a tooth, which is venerated by Buddhists.

Who built Sri Dalada Maligawa?

The information available in the public domain, The Temple of the Tooth Relic (Sri Dalada Maligawa) was originally built by the Kandyan Kings between 1687 and 1707

What is the entry fee for Temple of Tooth?

Information available in the public domain, the Kandy Tooth Relic Entrance Ticket Price or entry fee is 1500 LKR.

दलदा मालीगावा क्यों प्रसिद्ध है?

श्री दलाडा मालीगावा मंदिर में बुद्ध के दांत के अवशेष, एक दांत रखा हुआ है, जिसे बौद्धों द्वारा पूजा जाता है।

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