Prameya News 7 tv channel available on GSAT-30

Prameya News 7 is a free-to-air Orissa language satellite news channel. Which you can watch on your TV without any charges. Apart from this, you can also watch it on YouTube.

If you are not getting this channel on your platform then you can demand this FTA channel from your multi-system operator (MSO). There will not be any additional subscription charges because it is an FTA channel.

Satellite Frequency –

Channel Name Prameya News 7
Satellite G-Sat 30
Position 83.0° East
Band (Beam) C-Band
LNB Frequency 05150-10600
TP Frequency 3847MHz
Polarity H
Symbol Rate 1500KsPs
Quality MPEG-4 SD
System DVB-S2
FEC 3/4
Modulation 8PSK
Language Orissa


You can find other free-to-air Orissa TV channel updates here.

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