News18 Bihar Jharkhand is a pay television channel, launched on 27 January 2002. The channel is owned by TV18. The channel was launched as a part of a series of 5 Hindi language TV channels for various states of India. It mainly shows in-depth news of districts of Bihar and Jharkhand as well as shows programs related to local cultures and customs. Earlier the name of this channel was ETV Bihar-Jharkhand but later changed (on 16 March 2018) to News18 Bihar Jharkhand.You can watch this channel for free anytime on YouTube or anywhere on the internet.
Sister Channel –
- News18 Kerala
- News18 India
- News18 Gujarati
- News18 Kannada
- News18 Lokmat
- News18 Tamil Nadu
- News18 Assam
- News18 MP CG
- News18 Urdu
- News18 Bangla
- News18 Odia
- News18 UP UK
- News18 Rajasthan
- News18 Punjab-Haryana-Himachal
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