Malayalam Communications Limited’s New channel Kairali Arabia Channel was launched by Malayalam Communications Limited on Thursday, 13 February 2015. It is the fourth Malayalam channel of the network. Its first three channels Kairali TV, Kairali News TV, and Kairali V TV have been launched. The new channel Kairali is dedicated to the viewers of the Arabian Gulf.
If this channel is not available on your television platform, you can ask for it from your television service provider.
View List
Sister Channel –
- Kairali TV,
- Kairali News
- Kairali We
Downlinking details –
Channel Name | Kairali Arabia |
Satellite | Intelsat 17 |
Position | 66° East |
Band (Beam) | C-Band |
LNB Frequency | 05150 |
TP Frequency | 4015 |
Polarity | V |
Symbol Rate | 30000 |
Quality | MPEG-4 / SD |
System | DVB-S2 |
Modulation | 8PSK |
Language | Malayalam |
You can find other free-to-air Malayalam TV channels here.