How to Get Free Christian TV Channels in North America?

if you have a free-to-air set-top box or digital satellite receiver and Ku-band dish (DTH) antenna then you can get the below Glorystar TV channels. If you don’t know how to install a Ku-band dish antenna and free-to-air set-top box then you can check our installation category to get more tutorials.

Learn –

You need to point your dish antenna to receive the signal from the Galaxy 19 Ku (97.0 W) satellite for Glorystar TV channels in the USA

List of FREE TV channels in North USA –

Channel No.Channel NameLanguageTypeFrequencyPOLSymbol
104Hope Channel English TV11842 H22000
105LLBN TV English TV11842 H22000
1063ABN English English TV11842 H22000
107Word Network English TV11966 H22000
108 Gods Learning  Channel English TV12177 V23000
109Amazing Facts TV English TV11842 H22000
110Emmanuel TV English TV12060 H22000
111 Amazing Discoveries English TV11842 H22000
112Apostolic Oneness English TV11842 H22000
113Cornerstone English TV12115 V22425
114Dare To Dream English TV11842 H22000
115Church Channel English TV12177 V23000
1163ABN Proclaim English TV12060 H22000
117Christian Television English TV12060 H22000
118GCN TV English TV12060 H22000
119 Pastor Scott English TV12115 V22425
120Christian Youth English TV12028 H22000
122 Smart Lifestyle English TV11842 H22000
124 Hope Church Channel English TV11842 H22000
125SonLife BroadcastingEnglishTV11929V22000
126BE TVEnglishTV11960H22000
129Revival ChannelEnglishTV11960H22000
130Angel TVEnglishTV11966H22000
150Smile of a ChildEnglish TV12177 V23000
170JCTV English TV12177 V23000
200 Esperanza TV Spanish TV11842 H22000
201TBN Enlace Spanish TV12177 V23000
2023ABN Latino Spanish TV11842 H22000
203Bethel TV Spanish TV12115 V22425
204 Nacion TV Spanish TV12177 V23000
205SonLife BroadcastingSpanishTV11929V22000
206LLBN Latino Spanish TV11842 H22000
207TV VerdadeSpanishTV12060H22000
300Impact TV Russian TV12115 V22425
302CNL Russian Russian TV11966 H22000
303TBN Rodnoy Russian TV11966 H22000
304Soyuz Russian TV12060 H22000
360Telepace Italian TV11874 H22000
400Al Karma Arabic TV12177 V23000
401Arabic Arabic TV12090 H20000
402The Way TV Arabic TV12022 V22000
403Coptic TV Arabic TV11867 V22000
405LLBN Arabic Arabic TV11842 H22000
406Al Kalema TV Network Arabic TV11867 V22000
407Logos TV Arabic TV11867 V22000
408Chaldean TVArabicTV11867V22000
409Al Hayat – قناة الحياةArabicTV12060H22000
410Christ TVArabicTV12177V23000
411Alfady – قناة الفاديArabicTV12084V22000
411Alkeraza TVArabicTV12115V22425
502VBS Vietnamese TV12022 V22000
550Divine TVMalayalam TV11966 H22000
900AJE News English TV12152 H20000
901RT News English TV12152 H20000
902Jewish News 1 English TV12053 V22000
903CNC World English TV11789 V28125
1001 Overcomer RadioEnglish Radio11966 H22000
10023ABN Radio English Radio11842 H22000
1003Radio 74 English Radio11842 H22000
1004LifeTalk Radio English Radio11842 H22000
1005KNLB English Radio11929 V22000
1006Velugu Radio English Radio12177 V23000
1007Radio Eden EnglishRadio11966 H22000
1008CJTL Radio English Radio12060 H22000
1009Universal Christian English Radio12060 H22000
1010 Boston Praise Radio English Radio12060 H22000
1012Agape FM English Radio11966 H22000
1013Tsiyon Radio English Radio11836 V20765
1103Radio Libertad Spanish Radio12060 H22000
11043ABN Radio Latino Spanish Radio11842 H22000
1550Amen FM Tamil Radio12060 H22000

About GloryStar DTH Service:

Glorystar Christian Satellite is America and Canada’s only FREE faith-based digital satellite service with over 70 TV and Radio channels.  All with no subscriptions!
No credit checks! No monthly fees! Glorystar is the official equipment distributor for all major Christian TV and Radio Broadcasters in North America.


FAQs –

Are there any Christian TV channels?

Yes, there are many Christian TV channels and networks around the world that cater to Christian audiences.

Some well-known Christian TV networks in the United States include:

  • Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
  • Daystar Television Network
  • The Word Network
  • INSP (The Inspiration Network)
  • Cornerstone Television Network
  • CatholicTV (for Catholic programming)
  • EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network, also for Catholic programming)
What is the biggest Christian TV network?

As of our knowledge, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) was one of the largest and most well-known Christian TV networks in the world.

How many Christian TV stations are there in the US?

The number of stations and their coverage can vary widely, we are trying to find out all the free-to-air Christian TV channels worldwide, which we will mention on the website here.


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