Is Freesat Sri Lanka DTH Free-to-air?

Freesat DTH is Sri Lanka’s latest new technology-enabled free DTH service. It is a subscription-free digital satellite TV service that offers local and international television channels to Sri Lankan households. So this is a great service for all Sri Lankans. But remember it is not free-to-air, just subscription free.

The first phase of Free-Sat Sri Lanka successfully concluded test transmission on 13 October 2022.

Here we bring you more detailed information about Freesat. You can check some important points that are provided by the official social media accounts of Freesat.

Why are not all FTA set-top boxes showing Freesat TV channels?

All the FTA set-top boxes are not showing the Freesat TV channels because all the TV channels are broadcasting in these formats.

  1. HEVC SD (480p)
  2. HEVC HD Ready (720p)
  3. HEVC HD (1080p)

So if your set-top box is not supported by H.265 or HEVC then you may not receive Freesat temp FTA channels.

After scanning only radio channels, no TV channels?

Because your receiver does not support HEVC or H.265 technology. It is not possible to watch these without changing the set-top box.

But not see HD channels even on my HEVC FTA set-top box.

This is because your HEVC FTA satellite receiver does not support HEVC 10-bit. Must be showing channels that are running on HEVC 8-bit.

Is it a Free-to-air Service in Sri Lanka?

No, it has been established as a national network for all Sri Lankan domestic and international TV channels, which mainly broadcasts local channels through digital technology to deliver free TV channels to all homes in Sri Lanka. That being said, Freesat DTH is legally located in the land area of Sri Lanka. Freesat satellites outside the country will stop receiving TV signals or encryption will be activated on those channels. At present some TV channels are also encrypted through Unicas.

With all these technologies and Freesat encryption, its set-top box has started being available on the Freesat website which is limited to Sri Lanka. Information about people who sell set-top boxes in Sri Lanka is available on the Freesat website.

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Frequently asked questions –

What is Freesat?

Freesat Sri Lanka is a television network that provides digital TV coverage across Sri Lanka via satellite using HEVC/H.265 technology.

Is it free?

Yes. This is a 100% free service for Sri Lanka. This will require a UNICAS Freesat set-top box.

What channels are in Freesat?

Freesat mainly has local channels. Additionally, some foreign channels that do not pay TV are also made available through it. You will get its list from here.

Do we ever have to pay even if we say it’s free?

According to their website, this will never happen. This is a 100% free service forever.

Do I need to purchase a Freesat Sri Lanka installation kit to install?

Yes. Like other digital TV services, you will need to get a Unicas freesat receiver set to receive this service. It is available from sales agents throughout the island.

Can we fix the Freesat kit for ourselves?

Fixing it is not a complicated process. However, it is important to seek help from a professional installer to get high-quality service.

Can you watch it on the free-to-air STBs we currently have?

It is free only for Sri Lanka but it is not a free-to-air service. This means that the service is encrypted with Unicas. So for this STB will have to be purchased separately. The main reason for this is that the content that is broadcasted on the channels will be restricted from going beyond Sri Lankan borders as per their copyright. Must be encrypted as per this copyright law.

Can we watch pay-TV channels on Freesat?

At present such information is not available on the official website of Freesat, if any update comes then we will update you here.

How is Freesat Sri Lanka better than digital terrestrial TV?

Terrestrial broadcasting is a very difficult process in a geopolitical country like Sri Lanka. Therefore broadcasting through satellite is more practical. This allows door-to-door digital TV coverage in Sri Lanka. And Freesat Sri Lanka is at the forefront in every way.

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