Filamchi Bhojpuri Channel is Free-To-Air from GSAT-15

Filamchi Bhojpuri is a movie channel specially made for Bhojpuri cinema. This channel is run under IN10 Media Network and has a huge collection of the most popular and blockbuster movies of Bhojpuri cinema. On Filamchi Bhojpuri channel you can watch Bhojpuri movies, TV shows and other entertainment programs. This channel is available on DD Free Dish, Airtel Digital TV and Sun Direct.

Downlinking Details –

Channel Filamchi Bhojpuri
Satellite GSAT-15
Dish Antenna C-Band
Position 93.5° East
LNB Frequency 05150
TP Frequency 11470
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 29500
Quality MPEG-2/SD
System DVB-S
Modulation 8PSK
Language Bhojpuri

How to watch Filmachi Bhojpuri channel on YouTube

To watch Filmy Bhojpuri channel on YouTube, follow the following steps-

  • Open the YouTube app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Type “Filmy Bhojpuri” in the search bar of the YouTube app and click on the search button.
  • Search and click on Filmy Bhojpuri channel.
  • After visiting the channel, you can watch videos uploaded on Filmy Bhojpuri, including Bhojpuri movies, TV shows, and other entertainment programs.

If you like Filmy Bhojpuri channel, you can subscribe to them so that you can get their new videos.

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