Bangladesh Test Channel Free-to-air on GSAT-9 Satellite

It means Bangladesh can also start their free satellite TV service using GSAT-9 satellite to provide education, earnings, and a platform for Bangladesh free-to-air TV channels on Bangabandhu satellite.

It means Bangladesh can also start their free satellite TV service using GSAT-9 satellite to provide education, earnings, and a platform for Bangladesh free-to-air TV channels on Bangabandhu satellite.
It means Bangladesh can also start their free satellite TV service using GSAT-9 satellite to provide education, earnings, and a platform for Bangladesh free-to-air TV channels on Bangabandhu satellite.

It is a satellite test channel which is showing a travel advertisement for Maldives. The channel also shows the ISRO logo.

GSAT 9 is a special communications satellite from India. It is a gift from India to South Asia. It has high gain coverage in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan.

It means Bangladesh can also start their free satellite TV service using GSAT-9 satellite to provide education, earnings, and a platform for Bangladesh free-to-air TV channels on Bangabandhu satellite.

Maldives's Test Channel Free-to-air on GSAT-9, GSAT-9 satellite has high gain coverage in Afghanistan, Srilanka, Maldives, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan.

We don’t have more information about this channel, and you can find the satellite frequency below.

Satellite Frequency –

Channel Name Bangladesh
Satellite GSAT-9
Position 97.2° East
Band (Beam) Ku-Band
LNB Frequency 09750-10600
TP Frequency 11326MHz
Polarity V
Symbol Rate 9000KsPs
Quality MPEG-4
System DVB-S2
FEC 3/4
Modulation 8PSK
Language English


You can find its signal quality using this test channel in Bangladesh. Get the Bangladesh FTA channel list here.

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