Al Jazeera Arabic FTA on AsiaSat 5 at 100.5°E

Al Jazeera Arabic channel is by Qatari broadcaster owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network. It was headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Al Jazeera is an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel. If you are looking to watch Al Jazeera Arabic channel free then you have to install a 6ft (120cm) prime focus c-Band dish antenna, and you have to tune Asiasat 5 satellite at 100.5 degrees east. This channel is available in the Arabic language.

How to watch Arabic Channels FREE?

If you want to watch Arabic TV channels free of cost without paying anything, then we have a solution for you. You can install a C-Band Dish antenna for getting signals from Asiasat 5 satellite which is located at position 100.5°E.

You can need a satellite dish antenna, satellite receiver, LNB, Coaxial cable, and satellite finder. Most of the channels are free to air on the satellite. You can get about 30-40 TV channels free (free to air only).

Al Jazeera Channel Satellite Frequency –

Channel Al Jazeera Al Jazeera
Satellite Asiasat 7 Asiasat 7
Dish Antenna C-Band C-Band
Position 105.5° East 105.5° East
LNB Frequency 05150 05150
TP Frequency 3879 4079
Polarity H H
Symbol Rate 27500 29720
Quality MPEG-2 MPEG-4
System DVB-S DVB-S2
Modulation QPSK 8PSK
Language Arabic Arabic
Country UAE UAE


This channel shifted from the old frequency to the new frequency above on Asiasat 7 satellite.

Old Frequency :
Channel Name – Al Jazeera Arabic
Position – 100.5°E
Satellite – Asiasat 5
Beam – C-Band
Downlink Frequency – 3660MHz
Polarization – Horizontal
Symbol Rate – 27500
FEC – 3/4
System – QPSK
Modulation – DVB-S2
Quality – MPEG-4
Mode – FTA

You can also watch this channel live if you have an internet connection. For other free-to-air Arabic TV channels check here.

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